Digital media

Social media is more than a post.

It’s about strategic messaging that reaches, educates and activates your stakeholders in a meaningful way. Banner’s in-house social media team applies the latest tools and campaign-proven tactics to enhance the impact of clients’ corporate and advocacy campaigns. Earned or paid, we use cutting-edge monitoring and measurement tools, and are a truly integrated part of Banner’s government relations and communications solutions.

Social listening and analytics

Social media is entirely measurable, providing a comprehensive understanding of reach and engagement. Social listening goes beyond monitoring, by putting tangible metrics around a social media conversation. These metrics provide an actionable analysis to make data-driven decisions.

Education and activation

At the core of any successful public relations campaign is carefully-crafted messaging. Banner uses research, industry expertise and organizational objectives to develop compelling messaging that communicates your organization’s ‘why’ and resonates with target audiences.


Paid social media and digital advertising drives your campaign further and beyond organic content. Banner expertly identifies the right mix of demographic and psychographic indicators to capture the right audience, deliver results and maximize spend on Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.


Lights. Camera.

Bring your story to life with video. We can create valuable content that your organization can use to increase awareness and engage audiences. It’s your moment in the spotlight. Banner’s comprehensive video services include creative planning, storyboarding, script writing, production, delivery and distribution. Banner has your video needs covered, to feature your brand, your employees, your customers or your products.

It’s time to put video into action.

Want to get started on your next big project?

Meet your digital media team

Want to get started on your next big project?