Research shows that individuals remember branded content twice as long as they remember a traditional advertisement.

Brand authority
It increases your company’s brand awareness and further showcases your company as an expert in its field, boosting consumer confidence.

Greater Control
In comparison to earned media, sponsored media provides you with greater flexibility to control the message and voice of your content.

SEO impact
Sponsored content leads to
a favorable impact on SEO,
by creating backlinks to your domain on influential sites, boosting your average rankings in search results.

Sponsored podcasting
Podcasting is an excellent platform to reach an engaged audience interested in longer-form audio content, with tailored messaging.
There are two main marketing approaches when it comes to podcasts: producing a branded podcast yourself or placing ads on an existing podcast.
Branded Podcasts
These podcasts allow the brand to have control over everything, from editorial content to advertisements. They can be outsourced for production by professional teams with editorial experience. The key to a successful branded podcast is to focus on creating engaging and useful content rather than pushing a long-form advertisement.
Great audience engagement
80 percent of podcast listeners listen to all or most of a podcast episode and listen to an average of seven shows per week. Additionally, data shows that podcast listeners are educated with high household incomes and are more likely to be active on social media.
Ad Placement
Like traditional radio, podcasts sell time on their programs for sponsors. These ads can range from 15 to 60 seconds long and are either read by a third party or by one of the show hosts.
When should you consider sponsored podcasts?
Due to the niche audience that podcasts attract, sponsored podcasts should be used for retargeting efforts that are part of a larger marketing campaigns.

Sponsored webinars
A sponsored webinar allows your company to engage with active participants and showcase you or your organization’s expertise in the given field.
When partnered with a media outlet, the webinar will be archived on their website and can be amplified across your social platforms.
Lead generation
Research has shown that 73% of marketers say webinars are one of the best ways to generate quality leads, utilizing the registration data.
Increased brand awareness and authority
Webinars enable you to showcase your expertise and thought leadership in a chosen field or topic. The ability to record or archive the webinar further enables you to re-use and share the content, lengthening the lifespan and positive impacts of the webinar itself.
When should you consider sponsored webinars?
Sponsored webinars are ideal when you are hoping to target a specific audience and generate leads through the registration data.

Native media ads
A native media ad matches the exact look, feel and tone of the publication on which it is running. It differs from a traditional display ad, which can be seen as an interruption to the user experience and does not mirror the editorial look and feel of the publication.
Higher rate of engagement
As native ads are integrated into and relevant to what the consumer is already looking at, web visitors are more likely to read and click on the ad in comparison to other ad units.
Increased brand lift
Native ads were found to increase brand lift by as much as 82 percent.
When should you consider sponsored native media ads?
Native ads are best used when you are seeking a high engagement rate through a non-disruptive format.
If you have a compelling, interactive or visual story to tell, publication-specific native ad buys can be very effective in reaching and resonating with key audiences.

Sponsored articles
A sponsored article may be created either by the specified site publisher, by the advertiser directly, or by both as a collaboration. The advertiser has the flexibility of deciding which publication, print or online, would be the best target for desired objectives.
Increased brand authority
Sponsored articles increase the perception of your company as an expert in its field.
SEO impact
Sponsored articles provide a backlink to your domain which will ultimately boost its visibility and provide a positiveimpact on your search ranking.
Audience reach and increased brand awareness
In most cases, sponsored articles reach a greater number of people than if the article was published on owned channels.
When should you consider sponsored articles?
Sponsored articles are best used when you want to control the voice and narrative of your written message – and guarantee placement with a publication of your choosing.
They can be much more promotional in nature and are useful when you would like to reach a specific audience and portray yourself as a solution to a specific problem.